
Showing posts from July, 2008


Maybe I'll just roll the dice and try a cruise in late October instead. A three day cruise to the Bahamas. $200 bucks on Norwegian...not bad, provided I bank some spending cash beforehand and pray for no hurricanes. Although, I know as well as anyone how stupid it is to book a cruise between June 1st and November 30th. But if I got lucky, the $200 would be worth it, right? And I'd just have to work on a Saturday to make up the missed hours on Monday (or even do a half day on Monday after getting off the ship and then making the rest of the hours up during the week). I'm an idiot. And I need a vacation. That is all.

Dogged by the dog days of summer

Just felt like posting about the general malaise that accompanies this wretched time of year. Well, for mostly everyone, summer is awesome because the weather's nice. Down here, it's just wretchedly hot. I'm adjusting, but it's still flippin' hot. Anyway, I'm pissed off about airline tickets. And airlines and air travel in general. What used to be fun and exciting and glamorous has now turned into a necessary evil or something to be endured. My most recent travel experience had me sitting on filthy planes and dealing with some of the worst customer service ever (this means you, Airtran. Worst. Airline. Ever.). All while paying (well, Mom paid) close to $400 dollars for a connecting flight to the middle of nowhere that resulted in a 17 hour journey home. Ok, I'll knock off the 3 hour drive to the airport and the 45 minute detour to grandma's house. So it was a 13 hour and 15 minute journey home. Do you know how many awesome places you can get to in 13 hou...

Sometimes, you just gotta drink the kool-aid.

So working for a major book retailer has its perks. Like the discount. And planning an vampire/human engagement party that may or may not be crashed by a werewolf. If that last sentence made no sense to you, don't worry. It wouldn't have made sense to me about 2 months ago, either. For those of you who are not teenage girls, parents of teenage girls, or "hip to what the kids are reading these days," I'll provide a quick catch-up. ***Obligatory spoiler alert begins here for anyone that might actually try to read the damn books. You probably won't want to read the rest of the post. But trust me: you're not missing anything by not reading the books, hence proceed without fear. Like I said, the spoiler alert is now standard blog protocol and therefore obligatory.*** There's this series of books by an author named Stephenie Meyer called the "Twilight Saga." The three books are about a 17 year old girl who moves to a town in Washington where it rai...

366 days* of insanity...and counting!

So I settled into my daily internet routine of checking e-mail, Facebook, MySpace, Failblog, etc., when I realized that it was exactly one year ago today that I officially arrived in South Florida to make it my new home. And as always, a lot of stuff has changed in one whole year. When I got down here, I had no job. A year later, I'm on job number 2. (But have no fear...I'm intent on staying at this one for a while. Really. I promise. That's the plan, ok?) When I got down here, my trusty and beloved tank (aka my '98 Corolla) had no problems adjusting to the heat and gave me very little trouble. Until the door latch fell apart in a parking lot 2 months ago, forcing me to re-attach it with masking tape and drive home at a maximum speed of 45 mph lest the tape fail and the door flew open. A year later, I have a new(ish) car. May The Tank rest and rot in various stages of disassembly at the U-Pull-It Lot. (Remind me to tell you about my adventure at the U-Pull-It. It's ...