
Showing posts from September, 2010

I hate this part right here...

I hate the feeling that, at nearly 28 years old, I have accomplished little when I have, in fact, accomplished a lot. I hate the fact that accomplished is indeed spelled correctly, when it looks so wrong. I hate that people think that I am successful when I am so blatantly failing. I hate that I am holding myself to a standard that was perfectly understood and expected 30 years ago, but is nearly unattainable now. I hate the fact that I can't allow myself to be happy with my job and that I am so convinced that I will fail, even thought I am truly doing the best that I can with the few tools that I have been given. I hate that I am never happy about my appearance. I'm too skinny, or I look fat. My hair never looks right. I don't work hard enough at taking care of myself, especially that it's more important now than it ever was before. I hate that I feel so overburdened when, at the end of the day, I have so little to worry about. I hate the fact that I'm great at giv...

I Survived Summer 2010

So where's my t-shirt, dammit? Here I am at 10:30 pm on Labor Day, fully exhausted from an amazing holiday weekend. I mean, I embarked on a 12 destination bar crawl of Asbury Park last night, then spent this afternoon on the beach. It was a great weekend. As I was enjoying the ocean breeze and sunshine today, I realized something: summer is over, and I'm still here. I survived this summer! While there are still things that I'm working out on my own with regards to the breakup with BBE, I didn't spend the summer crying over it. The new job has been nothing short of exhausting, but I'm learning every day and powering through epic interviewing sessions. (I once did 14 interviews in four hours...holy crap) I bar crawled in Asbury Park, saw a show in Atlantic City, partied in the Village, spent some time in Philadelphia, went to a drum corps show up in North Jersey, helped paint a kitchen down in South Jersey, took a half day field trip to downtown Newark, went outlet sh...