yay! i'm back in Jersey, and I've never been happier. all of the drama that i expected to happen didn't happen with my family; it all happened in trying to get to kansas city and back. if one more person tries to use one of those wand-thingie metal detectors on me, they're a dead motherfucker! i got pulled to the side twice on the way home for a "random" security check. in cincinatti, the bitch went completely through all of my stuff. i was not pleased. and the flights were kinda sucky, but that's just because i don't like turbulence very much. correction: i don't like turbulence at all. but i'm back on the ground, i've caught up on my sleep, and i didn't have any classes today. yay! now i'm looking at my room and realizing that i left it in a total mess, and now i really have to get it cleaned if i want to be able to function for the rest of the week. tomorrow is wednesday, which is a good thing.
so valentine's day....did it even really happen? i had forgotten for most of the day until an ex-boyfriend IM'd me and asked if i had gotten anything special for the day. no offense to all of you who got some on V-day, but i think valentine's day sucks. it feels more like a "holiday" intended to make people feel miserable than make people happy. my ex brought up a good point: we're celebrating the execution of a saint. isn't that romantic?
and.......moment over.
so i have lots of stuff to do this weekend, one of them being auditioning for a poetry slam happening at the end of the month. i still have no idea what poem i should do, but i'll come up with something. i've got 2 tons of stuff to pick from, since i write all the time. shameless plug for my other website: www.angelfire.com/nj3/squidget
it's got a fraction of my stuff on there, partially because it's a pain in the ass to put up there, partially because i don't have the time to make the site look good, and partially because some of my poetry is downright embarassing. but eventually, i'll get it all on there for the world to read and laugh at. i mean, some of that stuff was written when i was in 8th grade!
well, that's enough for now, especially if i actually intend on cleaning my room tonight. thanks for sitting through yet another pointless rambling session! till next time........


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