*sigh* is it midnight yet? of course not, it's only quarter to 7. and i'm tired and cranky and at work. but now i'm in the office instead of at the front desk: that's right, i got promoted!!!! ok, so it's not really my office, but i get to sit in it and feel important.
it's now week 5 of the new semester and i'm trying my hardest to not start a countdown to spring break. no, i don't mean thanksgiving or christmas break, i mean spring break. that's when i'll have my first real vacation. --dinner break, thanks to my man Jeff up in the kitchen!-- so now it's ten after 8...after dinner i had to do a round and clean up a few conference rooms. yeah, so spring break...the theme is Trashed in Toronto. We're going to go up there and go nuts and have lots of fun tearing up the town.

Ok. Advice to all the girls out there: Boys suck. And not in a good way. (Sorry to all the guys out there reading, but i need to just get this all out in the open and off my chest) I mean, why is it so hard to find the nice guys out there? I'm asking the nice guys now: why are you so hard to find? I'll tell you why. You're all too chicken to take a chance and go for that girl you've been wanting to be with. You know what? She wants you to talk to her. She probably likes you too. But no, you punk out and let the jerk with no morals talk to her instead. And since he has killer flirting skills, he leaves the party with the girl of your dreams and you're left to cry in your watered down frat beer. Ok, enough good-boy bashing. Girls, we need to stop paying attention to the jerks. We need to find a system of sorting the nice guys from the jerks so we can stop hooking up with jerks and start finding nice guys.
At this point you're saying, "uh oh, here comes another rant" and you'd be correct. Strap in and listen carefully, because this is a fun one.

Ok, so I met this guy while working on a musical last semester. We were cool...we just knew each other. Then we ran into each other this semester and talked a bit..things were cool. so we hung out. and hooked up. not like hooked up hooked up...we just like made out and stuff. So then things were different. And he'd talk about how busy he was, and how he hooked up with some girl at the beginning of the semester and she got mad cause he never called her, and how he's hooked up with all these girls from shows that he worked on last year...all this stuff that should have set off the big red "get out now" light. but like a fool, i decided to see how things would go. we hooked up again, and things got pretty serious (but we didn't do the deed). since then he hasn't called or anything. whenever i tried talking to him online, he made me feel like i was stalking him or something. so it's over. i took his numbers off of my phone, threw away the post-it with his numbers on it, took him off my buddy list, the whole shebang. he can call me if he wants to...i'll talk to him. he can come over and hang out, even watch a movie if he wants to...it's cool. but the second he tries to touch me: it's all over. I'm gonna bitch him out so fast he won't even know what hit him and then i'll tell him to get the fuck out of my life forever. asshole. you know what his AIM profile says right now? "Why are all the good ones taken?" He's not even thinking about me! bastard! grrrr.... *deep cleansing sigh*
but i'm over him. so over him. and back to waiting for Prince Charming to come along. doubting it will ever happen.

Ok then, to review:
1) It's now 9pm and i only have to deal with 3 more hours of work.
2) Boys are scum.
3) Nice boys need to stop being wusses.
4) Girls need to stop messing with jerks.

ok, i'm off to find something else pointless to do with my time here at work...have a good day dearies and stay tuned till next time


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