ah, a new look for a new year. ok, so it's technically been different since my last blog, but just pretend that it's some cool new year's thing i did.
anyway, Christmas and New Year's went quite well. spent X-mas with my family and new year's with my friends, and now i'm ready to go back to school. only 14 days til move in day...
I got a Palm Pilot for christmas and i'm uber excited about it! i finally have something to keep me organized and occupied when my bus is stuck in traffic between classes. once again, i'm here at the Inn...la dee freakin da...2 guests in house and absolutely nothing to do. getting paid $9/hour to blog and look at geek cartoons (long story) for 8 hours isn't all that bad. i do miss my job at the toy store, however. i did another stint there for the holidays, and it was mayhem and evil people as usual. lots of employee drama going on too...which was fun for me because everyone tells me everything and i repeat nothing. i have the keys to all the store gossip! or had. whatever. life at home is boring and i'm so ready to go back to school. since new year's i've been shuttling back and forth between andre's apartment and home; never staying in one place long enough to become a pain in the ass (i hope). actually, i get treated like a pain in the ass whenever i'm at home. which is why i'm bouncing back and forth between places.
see, you know what really pisses me off? the fact that i've been working my ass off for over a year now and shown so much responsibility for myself and what i want to do with my life, yet my mother decides that i'm still some spoiled little brat who doesn't know shit about shit. *double take* i'm sorry, i think i just hallucinated. i've been working my ass off in school, holding down a job (and sometimes 2 at once), i've just been given responsibility over the rest of my college money, and my mother thinks she can call me a spoiled brat? what about my sister? she does not pay for gas money. she gets taken on shopping sprees at Express when she needs school clothes. she loses her watch and a diamond stud earring because she was too careless to secure them properly, and they're replaced by the end of the night without even a stern lecture. but if i decide to buy a pair of sneakers that i really really wanted on a really great deal (originally $70, on sale for $50, i had a $20 gift card so i paid $30), i get told that i don't need to be buying shoes. why should i be told how to spend my hard earned money? as long as i'm saving money (which i am), not spending my school money (which i daren't touch unless it's to pay a term bill), paying my credit card bill (on time every time), and not hitting my parents up for cash everytime they turn around, my mom shouldn't be saying anything to me. grrr. i'm to pissed to say anything else right now.


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