here at work again....for the last time!!!!!!!
yeah, I quit! do i have a new job yet? nope. do i have bills to pay? yep. am i crapping my pants right now? bust out the depends.

and that's all i've got to say about the job.

but since I'm here, I'm going to kill some time and catch up with everyone...there's not much to report. I recovered from my 3 weeks of wallowing in self despair over getting dumped. i'm glad i got over it when i did. i had resolved to lock myself in my dorm room and eat junk food for the rest of my life if i was not better by spring break.
oh yeah, spring break. Toronto: we went, we saw, we got trashed, nearly killed each other, and vowed to never ride another Amtrak train for all eternity. end of story.

ok, ok, i know you've all been waiting for it. you're all saying, "This isn't a real blog from Amber if she doesn't have a political rant about the current world situation!" well, ask and ye shall receive, my people.

WARNING: the remainder of this blog is going to fully exercise First Amendment rights. if you have a problem with anti-war and anti-Bush sentiments, you have 2 choices. you can leave now, or you can keep reading. if you choose to keep reading and don't agree with what i say...don't blame your aneurism or heart attack on me, ok? thanks.

what the "president" and the media say our reason is for going to war: we are going to war to liberate the Iraqui people from a tyrranous and dangerous regime. Saddam Hussein has WMDs (if you don't know by now, just bash your head in with the rock you've been living under) and will use those weapons against us someday.

the real reason we're at war: if we bomb Baghdad to bits and kill Saddam, we can then mold Iraq into a democratic nation that owes its "freedom" to us. the price of the liberation: US control of all of the oil.
Seriously, people, open your eyes! There are tons of other countries out there that are engaged in civil wars and there are people who are being oppressed by extreme militant regimes. There are countries where the women and children are not granted equal human rights. What is the US doing about it? Nothing. Why? Because there's nothing in it for the US. Liberating African nations or Tibet or South American countries does nothing for the US. This war is all about oil and it's ridiculous.

why we should not be messing with Iraq:
1.) Saddam Hussein has not provoked or attacked the US in any way. He has only responded to threats and sentiments from the US.
2.) Ok, who actually thought that the Iraqi troops would just give up? Anyone? This war is going to lead to a lot of "Coalition" deaths and the government is just now realizing this. All I have to say is "DUH!"
3.) If we're fighting this war to liberate the Iraqi people and grant them access to all of the things we have here, why don't we work on that equality here at home first? There are people starving in the United States. There are people who don't have access to healthcare. There are school systems that are falling apart. The cost of a college education is astronomical, yet necessary for a large segment of jobs in this nation. Right now even the rights to free speech in this nation are being challenged. Politicians are toiling away at regaining control over a woman's body (check out the abortion rights news). We're stepping closer to the detention or internment of citizens who hail from the Middle East. There are so many things wrong here in the US, but the "president" is going to spend $70 BILLION DOLLARS on liberating a foreign country. Yes, there is something very wrong with this picture.
4.) By the way, did the UN ever find the smoking gun? Oh yeah, that's right. They didn't even get a chance to finish their job. Hans Blix, I don't blame you. If no one gave a rat's ass about the job I was trying to do, I wouldn't return either.

lies, illusions, and other fallacies to be aware of: Do not trust the American media with reports about this war. If you only have access to American media, limit it to the best newspapers you can get your hands on (NY Times, Chicago Tribune, etc.), and avoid USA Today like the plague. Do not watch American news coverage of the war or trust their websites. The journalists who are embedded with the troops are only going to show you what the US Armed Forces and the government want you to see. The American media is under the belief that is must unequivocally support the "president" and this war. Anything they report will prove this point. To stay aware of the world impact of this war, log on to international news sites and watch international news when you can. BBC News has been less biased than American media (even though England is actually fighting in this war as well).
- The "Coalition": 40-odd countries are reported to be in support of this war. Only 3 nations are actually fighting. You do the math.
- Remember this as well: it's a proven fact the Bush did not truly win this election. How can he claim to be "The Chosen One" when he wasn't even elected by his own nation?

and I call myself an American?: absolutely. rather than be concerned about something that's going on on the other side of the world that's only going to affect my gas prices, I have chosen to be concerned about the state of THIS nation. if seeing successful healthcare, welfare, and education reform means that i'll have to pay $4 a gallon for gas, so be it. if the idea of thousands of people my age being sent off to fight for something that the whole world is against turns my stomach, how can you call me un-American? anti-war is not anti-American. what is un-American about wanting peace? what is un-American about wanting equality in this country before we go and try to fix other countries? what is un-American about realizing the fallacies of this nation? we are not perfect and we should not claim to be.

essentially, this war is going to cause more trouble than it was ever worth. I blame the "president" for this. and as much as this country will protest and complain, there's nothing we can do except to wait this thing out and hope that there aren't any chunks of the Earth missing when all is said and done. I fully support all non-violent protests to this war and if (God forbid) the draft is reinstated, I don't see anything wrong with going to Canada or some other place. This war is ridiculous and they need to stop all of this now.


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