My Life, By The Numbers: An Updated Status Report

Time elapsed since being home for the summer: 6 weeks, 5 days
Days left of summer session: 2 1/2
Weeks left till Scotland: 5
Weeks till fall semester:9

Weight gained/lost/etc: I really don't care anymore. yes, my pants don't fit, but not everyone was intened to be a size 1 anyway. i'll live.

Number of irritating cat episodes since last status report: approximately 4

Number of thorough cleanings of my room since last status report: one. Modern technology has blessed me with Clarinex, so I'm no longer tortured by life itself. Unless I accidentally put on a shirt that the cat has been sitting on. Then I start wheezing like mad. But death threats toward the cat have significantly decreased.

DVD's rented since last status report: 0
Amount of over due fees still owed to various video stores: approx. $8

Places of current employment: 1
Amount of last paycheck: not recieved yet
Amount of Mastercard bill: $607, due by the end of the week
Amount of money still due for Scotland: $200
Amount of spending money saved for Scotland: $0
Amount of money that I need to restore to my savings account: $1,030
Weeks till Scotland (for added emphasis): 5 weeks

Yeah, so, my financial situation is very very crappy. But I always manage to figure it all out, and as long as I'm paying my bills on time, everything is ok.

I had a semi-horrendous day yesterday. I lost the key to my car. Not the entire key chain, just the key. *sigh* only stuff like that happens to me. so i retraced my steps through NB trying to find my key, and i didn't find it. I had to call out of work and then call my mom to bring me the spare set of keys. then i got a lovely lecture on how i have to stop being such a ditz and get my act together. i'm extremely pissed at my mother now because she made it sound like i do stupid stuff like this all the time. *grrrrrr...* so i spent the rest of the evening in my room studying and then i talked to phil on AIM for a while. after talking to him, i felt like 20 million times better, which made me happy because i didn't have to fall asleep pissed at my mom. i'm still not speaking to her (in protest of her unfair remark), but i'm in a good mood anyway, and that's what's important. (thanks, phil :0) )

uh oh, time to book from the computer lab. there some stupid class in here trying to do a group project or something, and the entire lab has been treated to a story about how this girl got a ticket for throwing her cigarette butt out the window on route 18. she's been going on about it for the past 10 minutes. now the guy that's sitting behind me is muttering stuff like, "shut the fuck up! i'm trying to work on...." then he just trailed off. i'm irritated too...it's an unspoken rule that you don't talk in the comp. lab, and if you do, you're whispering or talking really softly. and no one is telling them to shut up either. *grrr*
but you know what? i'm not going to let it spoil my day. i've been in a good mood since last night, and i'm going to do my best to not let people spoil it. so off i go to find a nice quiet place to enjoy my lunch and then i will move on with the rest of my day. toodles!


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