My Official Endorsement

On this last day of October, I woke up and realized that I still had not done one of the most important things that I do on this blog: my official presidential endorsement/political rant. Well, better late than never, I always say. Besides, during my 100th blog celebration speech, I promised the people more of my political rants. I cannot fail the people. So, at the risk of adding myself to any watch lists (and we're all probably on at least one), here we go.

My official endorsement for the offices of President and Vice President are the Democratic candidates John Kerry and John Edwards.

If you are surprised, alarmed, shocked, or angered by this in any way, please just leave now.

I'm endorsing Kerry/Edwards for the same reason that a lot of people are endorsing them for: We don't want 4 more years of Bush.

I honestly believe that the only reason people like GWB at this point is they're either:
a) filthy stinking rich
b) really f-ing stupid
c) standing around with their heads in the sand and not caring about the rest of the country
d) all of the above.

I will agree that Kerry is not my first pick for the job. In truth, I'd much rather see Edwards running for the top position. He's young, charismatic, and I could tell that he is really passionate about wanting to be in the White House. But with the way things have been in this country over the last 4 years, I have to pick the extreme lesser of two evils.

I saw the third presidential debate and the things that GWB said made me angry. I just didn't disagree with him. He made me angry. Some of the things that got me heated:

-He claimed that people should be able to live their lives the way he wanted to. But he's already started to reverse abortion rights (and there is no such medical term as "partial birth abortion"). And he tried to pass a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. A constitutional amendment that denies rights to any US citizen is unconstitutional!!

-He said that his words of advice to a person whose job has just been outsourced would be to go back to school. "Here's money for community college." (paraphrased quote) Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall any fry cook jobs at your neighborhood Taco Bell being outsourced back to Mexico. Outsourcing is affecting people who already have bachelor's degrees. Why would you give them money for community college?

-GWB oh-so-proudly spit out the fact that there are more college students in this nation receiving Pell Grants (to cover tuition costs). Thank god Kerry pointed out that it's because more students have *qualified* for the grant. Not to mention the fact that the maximum award amount has been reduced drastically over the past four years. I say this from first-hand experience from a friend who gets Pell Grants.

(Now moving into the general rant portion...)

-Oh, and by the way, college tuition has risen about 40%. At least, mine did during my time there. And I went to a state school.

-The No Child Left Behind Act is the biggest load of bureacratic bull that is going to keep America's kids stupid. Do you know what goes on in classrooms of those problem schools now? They teach the test. All these teachers focus on is a stupid standardized test instead of being allowed to experiment and expand their curriculum to enrich a student's whole education. I think all that money being spent on testing should be spent on finding good teachers, paying them what they deserve, and fixing the schools from the inside out. No bombs, more books.

-Iraq: End the back door draft. We should have never gone there in the first place, as has been proven by so many different reports. Find a way to end all of this nonsense and bring those troops home. And we better see some improvements for all of our veterans as far as their benefits are concerned.

-The economy is shit, Bush acts like it's not happening, and people are suffering.

-While we're on the topic of people suffering, think about all the people who have lost their health insurance in a world where you can't sue your HMO and prescription drugs are way too expensive.

-And the whole flu shot thing: Way to go, White House. Good move on that one.

-A faith based presidency defies the ideals of the office as set forth by our Founding Fathers over 200 years ago. Bush keeps trying to blur that line that separated church and state. I'm not buying it.

The only reason that I'm stopping now is that I'm so angry that my ideas are running too fast for me to organize and type them.

Please keep in mind that while I'm endorsing Kerry/Edwards, I'm not telling you to vote for them. That's not what I try to do. I just want people to get out and vote on Tuesday. Think about what you've read here, but explore every other avenue of information too. Vote for what you believe in, and the ideals that sit closest to your heart.

And if you're under 25: For the love of god, make sure you're voting for what *you* believe in and not whatever crap your parents might have been filling your head with. I'm not saying vote against your parents. I just want young voters to make their own decisions.

Vote for your rights.

I'm voting so that I have the right to blog about every political thing that pisses me off. When I can truthfully say that I made a stand and voted, I know I have the right to complain if things don't go my way.

Vote for your bitching rights. Vote for your life. Just get out there on Tuesday and vote.

And if you didn't register, I should kick your ass.



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