Every new beginning...

Once again, every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

Later today I'll be moving out. It doesn't seem real. But with all the drama that I've been through over the past month, nothing seems real anymore.

I went to the bar tonight with some of my co-workers. It was pretty cool.

Blogging will be suspended yet again due to no internet access when I get to the new place. But no worries, dear readers, I'll have my cable modem access back up and running in a few weeks and I'll have all sorts of stories to tell about my new independent life.

I listened to "Independent Women" by Destiny's Child with a whole new sense of awareness today.

But for now, I will finish the book I've been reading and sleep for one last night in the place I called home for the past 6 years. It's a strange feeling.

Wish me luck everyone! This day has been a long time coming, and for once I'll need all the good wishes/thoughts/prayers that anyone can send my way.

Once again, here goes nothing...


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