Holy Crapola, Christmas is freakin' sweet!

I'm typing this blog from the comfort of the couch in my parents' family room.

On my. Brand Spanking New. Powerbook G4. Laptop.

80 gig hard drive.

1 gig of RAM.

CD and DVD-ROM drive.

15" screen.

Backlit keyboard.

Wireless enabled.


Dude, this is way better than a Tivo. Soooo wayyyy better than a Tivo.

Did I mention that I got a new printer too? A printer that does everything but make coffee in the morning?

Feel free to slap me. I need all the reality I can get.

But this is real. I have a new computer and a printer, and I totally didn't ask for either. Which is awesome. Ok, yeah, it was on my Amazon wish list, but it was with the caveat that I didn't actually expect to get a new computer!

Other gifts included (yeah, there was more stuff):
-pink Timberland boots
-2 DVD's from my sister
-an oven mitt and recipe cards from mom
-Mary Kay makeup from my aunt & uncle (my aunt's a Mary Kay lady)
-a USB memory stick from daddy
-a really pretty bracelet
-some candy, a couple of gift cards, and Microsoft Office 2004 for....


I'm still in shock.

Tomorrow on my blessed day off I will head to the mall to exchange my Timbs (a bit too small) and then back to the Bayshore Bungalow to load all of my old compy's stuff onto the new compy. Then I have to decide what to do with the old computer. Do I sell it and put the money in the bank for grad school? Or do I donate it to a school? Then again, the compy is a bit old to be donating to a school. I could get a couple hundred bucks for it on eBay, right? Decisions, decisions....


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