Slowly adjusting...

I'm getting used to having 13 hour days again. I still have to figure out the whole food thing, but I'm getting there.

::Slapping forehead::

Fuck! Forgot to pay my phone bill. Hold on...


My forehead still stings...that's how quickly I was able to hop over to the website and pay the bill. Two days late...grrrrr. While I'm thinking about it, I better schedule my credit card payment too.

Back in a bit...

And here I am again.

I don't get the chance to take care of all this stuff except for late at night, when I should be in bed asleep. I'm so busy all day that it takes a good hour or two for my brain to slow down and decompress before I can go to sleep. My body has learned how to compensate. I spent the entire day in bed on Sunday. I slept in late, and just stayed in the bed all day. I wasn't overly exhausted or anything, but I didn't feel like going anywhere. I wasn't even depressed...just recharging. I even went to bed at a decent hour and felt great for most of the day on Monday.

I shouldn't even be writing. I'm yawning, but my brain won't chill out yet.

I need to start doing yoga or meditation or something like that. Blarrrrgggghhhhhhhhh!

Ok, finally turning off the compy so I can try to get to bed before 1am.

GREs loom in the near future. Pray for me on Saturday between 12:30 and 4:30pm. I'll need all the help I can get.


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