
I'm tired today.

I was good until 4th of July weekend, did a lot of stuff, and now I feel like I haven't caught up on sleep.

Nothing very interesting to blog about, but I figured I'd let the blogosphere know I'm still alive and all that...just don't have anything exciting to blog about.

The job is going all right...I guess. It's been kinda boring the past few weeks or so. Maybe that's what's making me tired.

Blarrrgh. Tired, hot, and quiet.

Except for painting the living room on Sunday. That was a "Disaster Twins Go on a Home Improvement Adventure" moment.

Which is why I keep saying I need my own reality show.

But then again, life right now isn't exciting enough to garner any ratings.

Off to catch up on the backlog of "Project Runway" in the bootleg TiVo and convince myself that I really am excited about where I am in life right now.


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