I am not allowed...

...to research shoes anymore.

As part of a project for work, I've been researching the price ranges on different brands and lines of shoes in order to find the best breakdown of Bargain, Moderate, High-End, and Luxury shoes. I was cruising the Nordstrom website (cause they always have fabulous shoes), and I saw them:

Michael Kors suede slingbacks. In chocolate and black.

*drool* and *sigh*

My inner shoe diva has been reawakened, and I have fallen in love with these beautiful, beautiful shoes. They are sooooo worth the - *gulp* - $130 price tag. Honestly, in the grand scope of shoe prices, they aren't bad at all.

I. Want. Those. Shoes.

It's settled. I must win the lottery or marry a very rich man.

(Or I could take my Christmas money with a little extra from my own piggy bank and buy them. Or wait until after the first week of Shoestring rehearsals. But I can't use my credit card.)

I don't even care that I have no reason to buy these shoes being as that I rarely have anywhere fabulous to go. I can't even wear them to work - I'd be burned at the stake. But they are too amazing to not become a part of my fledgling shoe diva collection.

I must have them. The Michael Kors slingbacks. And the Manolo Blahnik 1994 reissued strappy sandals inspired by the Haight-Ashbury movement. They're only $545.

A girl can dream, right?


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