Speaking of regularly scheduled programming...

...seems like the Supreme Court took advantage of the Va. Tech tragedy to make their official decision on "partial-birth abortions." (I use quotation because there is no such medical term as a partial-birth abortion. It was penned by the anti-abortionists.) The procedure has been officially banned, and there is no allowance for an instance where the procedure would be medically necessary.

I am pissed.

Honestly, people need to realize that the government should not be dictating what I can choose to do to my body. The decisions I make should be my own, and between me and my doctor (and my family, when applicable). Some right-wing, red state, Confederate-flying redneck from West Bumblefuck does not get to tell me whether or not I can have an abortion. They can disagree with it. By all means, call me whatever you want, but you don't get to make the decision, and you shouldn't influence the people who make the the laws that control that decision.

For a while I had been joking about starting a Canadian immigration fund. Right now I have $10 and change in Canadian money. It was originally intended as a bit of survival cash in case I had a friend who needed to dodge a draft. After the election, it became my immigration fund. Now I honestly need to start putting more away, just in case.

It doesn't matter whether or not I would ever get an abortion. I don't want to live in a country where I am denied the right to choose. And if Roe v. Wade gets overturned, I'm getting the hell out. Not necessarily for me, but for my kids (if I have daughters someday). I'm not letting them grow up in a country where they don't have that right either.

Let that be a message to our presidential candidates.

And if anyone wants to move to Toronto or Vancouver with me (if the unthinkable happens), start saving your pennies now. Oh, and learn French...it'll boost your qualification points for being allowed to immigrate.


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