Bored bored bored bored bored

I am so over unpacking even though I still have lots to do.

Went to a temp agency today to interview and hopefully start working soon.

But I found out about the train system down here, and I think it will allow me to run around Miami for next to least it's next to nothing compared to NJ Transit prices. I'm stoked...that will give me something to do instead of wasting away here in a half unpacked apartment by myself. And I can't go to the mall because I can't really spend any money.


Maybe I'll go to Barnes and Noble to scope out books about the area. That will allow me to plan an itinerary on stuff to do this weekend. And this week. Until I get a job.

Yeah, I think that's what I'm gonna do. It's better than playing Guitar Hero till my arm falls off.

So, order of business. 1. Read the Times online because that's what I always do. 2. Go to Barnes and Noble. 3. Come home and wait for my sister to make me some damn dinner! (hee's her night to cook)

Off I go...


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