Fuzzies to keep me warm...

Talk about warm fuzzy feelings....

I have some of the best friends in the entire world.

I was sitting at work around 4:30 or so this afternoon, and Andre calls me back. I had called him earlier to say hi and brag about the company holiday party I attended (and got wasted at) last night. Anyway, I pick up the phone, and after some general chit-chat, I'm told what my Christmas present will be.

I'm going to Rutgers-Christmas.


But wait, you say, doesn't Rutgers-Christmas take place where the majority of the founders of said event are? Meaning New Jersey? As in, hundreds if not thousands of miles away from Florida? You would be correct, and I thank you for following this little blog long enough to know such random trivia about my life.

I'm going to New Jersey. Tomorrow morning. Into a nor'easter that's gonna hit on Sunday. I'll worry about that on Sunday.

I have the. best. friends. ever.

Actually, I've been having a good few days. Dad got a kidney transplant last week and is doing amazingly well. I had an awesome review at work and hand an amazing time at the holiday party. And I'm going to Jersey for Rutgers-Christmas.

Do you want to know a secret?

Happiness is contagious. When you're happy, you're good to others. And when you are good to others, the world returns your favor in one way or another. Karma, like Santa Claus, knows what you're doing. Except Santa can only punish you by bringing you coal on Christmas. Karma's a bitch...she'll mess you up for a long time, if you've earned it.

So my advice is simple. Be nice to people. Whether it's opening a door for someone, holding the elevator, letting someone borrow a pen, complimenting a hairdo, pitching in on a task that no one else will do...do it. Hell, just smile and say hello to someone that you work with but never talk to. Try it. You'll get this weird feeling that you may not be used to...it's called Doing Something Nice. It will make you feel good. Now, you're still allowed to be pissed off at the world. You can still curse people out when you're in your car on the highway. You can still make catty remarks about someone across the bar who really shouldn't have left the house looking the way they did. We all do it. We're human. But if you balance out the not so great stuff with little things here and there that make someone's day just a little easier or brighter, you'll get it back tenfold. It won't be immediate, but it will come.

I love my family. I love my friends (aka my second family). I love my job (even though I'm broke). Right now, life is nice, and I feel like I've earned it.

Aight, I better go finish packing!

Merry Rutgers-Christmas!!!!

Disclaimer: I'm slightly tipsy. But the message of this blog would be no different if I was sober.


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