2008: The year that's gonna be nuts.

Just when you thought 2007 was the craziest year ever...
Now we've got 2008.

There's so much to look forward to!

It's a leap year, so we've got an extra day in February. The Summer Olympics will be going on in Bejing. Britney Spears has already has a major freakout. The late night talk shows are back on the air while the rest of our shows remain in writers' strike purgatory (and we're innundated with reality tv).

Oh yeah, there's that whole election thing, too.

If you haven't already figured it out, this election is going to be a big deal. A huge deal. A massive and momentous event of epic proportions that you will not be able to get away from unless you move to Fiji.

Seriously kids, this is major.

Unlike my election post of 2004, I don't plan to reveal my endorsement/pick for president at all. My stance on it right now is this: who I vote for isn't anyone's business right now.

Actually, I'm excited to be old enough to grasp what's going on and know that it's important to get out and vote. And believe me - I will be voting. I'll be at the primary election in a few weeks, and I'll be at the polls in November.

And right now I want to put across the most important message that I have for all of you.

Get registered to vote. Today. And when November rolls around, vote.

I am not playing.

We have all spent the past 8 years in different stages of fear, anger, outrage, betrayal, confusion, frustration...and that's just the tip of the iceberg. We all have fallen into the role of armchair pundit and told our friends and family just exactly what's wrong with the world today and what needs to be done to fix it.

Now is the time to put your money where your mouth is.

Vote. Whether it's voting for change, voting to change history, voting to change the environment, or voting to keep things the same (god forbid), you have to stand up and say something. Vote because it's your right. Vote because someone might have died fighting for your right to vote. Vote because you want to send a message to Washington that the youth of this country care about more than MTV and shopping. Vote so you will have the right to be an armchair pundit. Vote so you have the right to rise up and say something if things get messy. Just vote.

Make an educated vote. Watch the debates. Read the newspaper. Check out the candidates' websites. Think about what's most important to you now and what will be important 4 years and 10 years and 20 years from now. The decision you're making is a decision for your future.

Now, of course, there are some of you who are pointing out that the electoral process is flawed and single votes don't count.


I will agree that the process is not perfect, but your vote matters. My vote matters. If everyone went out and voted with the same fervor that they apply to American Idol and Dancing With The Stars and fantasy sports and Guitar Hero and World of Warcraft and all of that other shit that we profess devotion to - imagine what could happen.

Ok, I'm too distracted right now to keep banging it into your head. I'm trying to watch the New Hampshire primary coverage on CNN when I need to be eating dinner and getting other work done.

But just so you know, be prepared to hear a lot about the election on this here blog in the '08. And my message will remain the same throughout, so do yourself a favor and just follow my directions (so you won't lose sleep at night feeling guilty about yourself):

Register. And Vote.

That's all for now.

Happy New Year and here's to a helluva ride in 2008!

P.S. The revival of American Gladiators is so awesomely fantastically cool and I love it and it brings me back to when I was little and loved watching the show. If you were a fan back in the day, you must check it out. Mondays on NBC.

P.P.S. I expect to receive a check from NBC Universal for the abovementioned shameless plug. Considering the traffic generated by this site, $10 will do just fine.


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