General suckiness and blaaarghhh... what's going on now.

Car shopping is supposed to be fun - yet it sucks a lot right now.

The GMAT sucks big time if you're not good at math...even if you spend a month trying to relearn everything.

Work sucks when I've got so much shit to do and no time to do it in and I have to give other people boring, inane, mind-numbing projects not because I don't want to do it but because I have to time for it. And listening to you boss whine all day...not so much fun either.

Fighting with the boyfriend sucks because he's being an idiot and can't grasp the concept that sometimes I have 20 million things going on that affect my mood and might have a bt of an attitude sometimes. Fucking deal with it...douchebag.

Money sucks because no one has any money at all anymore and as much as I want to bitch about how bad I've got it, there are so many other people who are worse off and that makes me feel even worse for feeling shitty about my situation.

In conclusion: General suckiness and blaaaarghhhhh. That is all.


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