Oh, those summer nights...

Well, this summer has just been flying by, hasn't it?

It's already the middle of August, we're well into the dog days of summer, football season is right around the corner, and I have been very busy.

Seriously - between a summer class (for my event planning certificate, hopefully by May of next year), a new job (human resources for a pharmaceutical company), getting a jello shot business off the ground (something my sister and I started a year ago), and spending as many weekends as possible with Best Boyfriend Ever (who will be referred to as BBE going forward), Summer '09 has been jam-packed with Adventures in Life.

Talk about a complete (or almost complete) 180 from where I was 6 months ago, also known as my Dark and Twisty Period (with homage and apologies to Shonda Rhimes).

But in the same way that winter can easily leave us feeling cold and bleak and desperate (I mean, seriously, I was talking about the wind whipping outside my window like I was at Wuthering Heights), summer creeps right back into your bones, making you feel happy and hopeful, adventurous and - dare I say it - sexy.

So, yes, things are looking up and slowly turning around and starting to change for the better. I've been around the block enough times by now to know that I shouldn't take anything for granted, but I'm happy and hopeful. Cautiously optimistic, actually. But optimistic nonetheless.

Oh - the Epic Music Project has been rolling along all summer and is actually almost done! I'll update the sidebar with all of my favorites at the end. I'll admit that it hasn't been easy, especially around the M's (I was sooooo not in the mood to listen to Matchbox 20), but I have perservered, and my 4 month journey through my music collection is almost at its end. ::sigh:: Now I'll just have to figure out the best way to listen to music in my office. I'm thinking about a new(ish) iPod courtesy of the interwebs and a nice inexpensive little docking speaker set for it. I'll just make a commitment to load the iPod with newer music (that I will actively seek through Pandora) and that will make my little meat locker office more bearable.

Well, I've been stalling long enough. I need to go get at least one load of laundry done before bed tonight. Laters!


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