Just a few more days...

...until 2009 is over.

And honestly, it won't be a day too soon.


I had fully intended on launching into one of my year-end-wrap-up posts, in which I was going to list all of the shitty stuff that's happened to/for me this year and match it up to a list of awesome stuff that's happened to/for me this year in an attempt to convince myself that 2009 truly was not the worst year ever (even though I'm wholly convinced that it has been, and there's still 2 weeks to go).

But then I got a phone call from BBE, and instantly felt better again about everything because we're going to hang out this weekend.

So, while I still have time to compile my List Of Reasons Why 2009 Was The Worst Year Ever (Reason #1: I lost my job. Twice. (yes, twice...I'll explain eventually...)), I can start on my other list right now:

People/Places/Things that were Awesome in 2009:
#1: Best Boyfriend Ever.

And that's all that needs to be on the list for now. :)


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