Dear clothing designers,

Ok, I get it. Americans have gotten fatter, and that's why the clothes are bigger. Supply and demand, and all that crap. And in order to clothe all of those ever increasing waistlines and bustlines, you have to make the clothes bigger.

Well, stop it. NOW.

You know why? You are sizing out tiny people like me who truly want to buy your clothes, but can't. I can't buy clothes because the rest of the world is getting bigger, and I'm not. Actually, if we went by my size tags alone in the past ten years, I've been shrinking.


And everyone says, "Oh, it must be so nice to be so skinny! You can wear whatever you want to wear and always look fantastic in it!" Riiiiight. Gee, it's nice to have to pay extra money to have my pants re-hemmed because designers think that the only people who can possibly be wearing a size 0 must be at least 5'7". You know what I just love? Trying on pair after pair after pair of pants and having every. last. one. of them be too big in the waist, hips, thighs (or all three). Extra small shirts don't fit across my boobs, but medium shirts are too big everywhere else. Stop pinning the damn shirts to the mannequins to make it look like the shirt is tailored - it's made for people with baby fat and spare tires, not people like me.

Oh, just shop in the juniors' department, you say, all of that stuff is make to fit a tiny girl like you. Um...I'm 27 years old. I work in a professional, business-casual office setting. I can't dress like a 15 year old. And the petites' department? Hello, I'm not 45 either. I'm not going to wear any of that stuff.

Stores are now trying to make "petite" clothes. They're just made for shorter people. Not truly petite people.

If you haven't been keeping score, I have just ruled out virtually every store on earth where I can afford to buy clothes. Affordability is definitely an issue, and it's not a factor that gives me much wiggle room.

And don't even get me started on bras. I won't tell you what my bra size is - but it falls somewhere between freak and unicorn. I say this because it is nearly impossible to find one in my size. Trust me on this one.

So clothing stores - just about all clothing stores, and the designers who design for them - you all suck. Gap - you suck. The Limited - you suck. Express - you suck. Target - you suck. Macy's - you suck so hard it's not funny. Banana Republic - you suck and you're expensive. Old Navy - you suck. Kohl's - you suck. Marshall's and TJ Maxx - you suck and your stores are grimy. Loehmann's - you suck. Ann Taylor Loft - you and your hideous prints season after season can suck it. H&M - I don't shop theredue to a self imposed boycott, your clothes fall apart after 3 washings, oh, and you suck. Forever 21 - you and your 1994 bargain bin remnants suck. New York and Co. - you and your lame ass jersey knit slacks suck. Guess - you suck with exception of the one pair of jeans that I found that I will wear till they have fallen apart (4 years and still holding strong!). Nordstrom - you suck.

Did I leave anyone out???


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