Turning a corner...for better or for worse?

Well, it's 8:10 on a Thursday night, which is an unusually strange time for me to blog. I'm usually catching up on my Hulu queue or watching tv or something on Netflix. Or I'm usually catching up on my ever-expanding list of time-sucking websites.

Right now, I'm stalling because I need to make another attempt at cleaning my room. Hence, I blog.

For once, I have good news! The temp gig that I've been at since February ends tomorrow. No, really - that's good news. I landed a long term contract job (fancy term for "temp gig") at a huge pharmaceutical company. Provided that it doesn't entirely suck (and I doubt that it would suck), I'll have gone from PharmaFail to PharmaWin in 6 months! (btdubs, the new company will be know as PharmaWin going forward unless it warrants a new code name on its own.)

So I'll be doing HR file stuff at PharmaWin. BBE will start a new job on Monday too. We had to take a bit of a break from the apartment hunt, but we'll be starting up again soon...hopefully we'll be in our own place by midsummer.

This is great! This is better than great, it's fantastic! (According to Andre, "fantastic" is my new favorite word these days.) I've finally caught that break that I have been searching and praying for for what seems like an eternity.

So why am I waiting for the other shoe to drop?

There's this part of me that's convinced that this sudden change in luck will not last. Not for long. Some other disaster or crisis will happen, my world will be turned upside down again, the happy train will derail, etc etc ad nauseam.

I really should be enjoying this, but I'm afraid to. Isn't that so incredibly sad and screwed up? I resolved to just be happy this year - no matter what - and I was failing rather hard at it. But now I have things to be happy about, and I'm more focused on what may go wrong (or will go wrong) next.

Murphy's Law has made me its bitch.

But I am going to try harder. I deserve to be happy, and I've been through a lot of crap in the past 16 months and worked through a lot of stuff and fought to get to this point. The war will never be over, but this hard-fought battle has been won, and I shall enjoy this victory.

Well, summer is almost here - that will help. BBE and I are working on our list of Epic Things To Do This Summer, and we'll have a blast even if we only get a quarter of the items accomplished. Number one on the list: Find our own apartment.

1, 2, 3...go!


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