2010 - My Quiet Year

Do not adjust your television set. Yes, the blog looks different. I'm not sure if I like it yet, but I'm trying it out. It may change again soon. But it's still me, and this is still my blog. Have no fear. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

"Say what? Quiet? You know this year has been anything but quiet!"

That's probably what you were saying when you read the title of today's blog. Yes, there was a lot of stuff that went down in 2010. I just didn't talk about it.

Think about it. Look at the side bar. This makes post #11 for the entire year. The whole year! That's a far cry from the light years of '03 and '04. Maybe there hasn't been a lot that's happened this year. Maybe I just didn't feel like talking.

I know that years from know, I'm going to look back on the 2010 posts and think, "God, what a depressing year!" I spent a lot of time talking about failure. Hell, the first post of the year was solely dedicated to the concept of "fail." But failure was indeed all around at one point or another: my failure to land a job (which I finally did, although it took a 6 week detour to PharmaBore to pull it off), the systematic series of fails that led to the end of me and (now ex-)BBE*, my failure to just be happy with where I am in life and what I've accomplished (still trying to figure out what those accomplishments are), and, most bizzarely, the failure of clothing stores to make clothes that fit petite people like me.

2010 was the Fail Year.

You know, this whole theme of crappy years is becoming a disturbing trend. I don't like it.

2011...no big plans yet. Things have been so unpredictable that there's no point in try to figure out where I will be 1, 4, 6 months or a year from now. But I've made a few little resolutions for myself, so that may help change things up a bit.

2011 will also mark a Very Special Year for this blog. Ten years of "My Twenty-Something Quasi-Soap," previously known as "Ponderings of a Princess." That, to quote our Vice-President, "is a big f-ing deal!" So maybe there will be some special treats in store, like revisiting old blog posts, or just looking at where I was or what I was up to 7 or 10 or 4 years ago. I will try really hard to do more of my news or pop culture commentary (sorry y'all, it's been kind of a quiet year for my girl Britney Spears...), and I will also try really hard to be less depressing.

So once again I bid adieu and good riddance to a tough year, and, like the sucker that I am, look forward to a bright and shiny 2011 and all it's possibilities.

Happy New Year!


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