Ew. Winter.

For realz, y'all, this winter shit is wiggedy-wiggedy-wack.

(Yes, that sentence was just composed by a college graduate.)

We had The (Other) Blizzard of 2010 the day after Christmas - 18 inches. Then we had a storm last week that added another 6 or so inches. Today we got another 6 to 9 inches. We aren't even halfway through January, and I'm already so sick of snow that I was looking for jobs back in Ft. Lauderdale. (Totally not kidding. South Florida and Atlanta.) I've been dreaming about a shore house down in Wildwood for a week this summer. Or a cruise to the Bahamas. Anything but scraping off my car and risking my life whenever there's a snowstorm because my company does not believe in snow days. They do, however, believe in public shaming tactics and psychological warfare that make one feel guilty for even arriving 45 minutes late for work because her street wasn't plowed yet.

If you didn't catch on in that last sentence there, I'm job hunting. Again. Don't ask me how I keep managing to find the most dysfunctional places on this planet to collect paychecks from. To be perfectly honest, the accounts that I have given about my various work experiences are pretty accurate, even with my flair for melodrama and hyperbole. But I keep finding the crazy places, and they're all crazy in their special way, and I'm once again at the point where I need to get the eff out of there post haste.

So, I actually meant to get on here to talk about positive stuff...

First order of good news: I'm pretty sure that I have managed to quit smoking for good. This time around, I had been mentally preparing myself since the fall. On New Year's Eve, I drank so much that I was pretty ill for the next two days...so that helped too. The last smoke that I enjoyed was on January 2nd. I will admit that I broke slightly and tried to smoke one on Saturday when I was out with friends...I got through half of one, and my brain was just saying, "ew. ew. ew. ew. I don't like this anymore." Later on, I attempted one more drag...still ew. And slightly nauseous. I haven't craved a cigarette since. That's not to say that I don't miss it...I do, in a bizarre way. However, I'm pretty sure that I've really kicked the habit this time. Yay for keeping a resolution!

My other plans for 2011 (besides blogging more and doing more awesome stuff in the blog):

-Start exercising
-Find a better job
-Do more fun things with friends
-Read more books, catch up on more movies, try to cut down on television

Simple, nearly easy things to do that will make life a little...nicer(?)...in this new year.

Ew. My birthday's on Monday. Not really all that interested/excited about it.

Ok, ok, I will add "try to be more positive in blog" on the 2011 resolutions list. Laters!


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