Revisiting Grey's Anatomy

Those of you who have been following the blog for a decent amount of time know that I am a huge fan of Grey's Anatomy. Huge. Fan. I can honestly say that I've seen every single episode, and I stuck with the show through its several rough patches, despite my several rants and raves throughout the years.

Season 7 just wrapped up a few weeks ago, as did all of my regular season shows, and I was left adrift in the wasteland known as Summer Programming. Usually I catch up on my reading and my never-shrinking Netflix queue. One night last week, I was browsing the Instant choices on Netflix...

...and I hit paydirt.

Complete TV series. Tons of them. 80's, 90's, and current shows, all there at a mouse click.

And of all of the shows I could have picked to enjoy...I went with GA. Because I'm a dork.

Things I Have Relearned/Remembered from Revisiting Grey's Anatomy, Seasons 1-2.13:
[insert requisite spoiler alert here, just in case]

-Ok, so we know why Meredith's in love with McDreamy. That's obvious. But why is he in love with her? I've probably said this before, but Meredith is probably one of my least favorite characters, and the show's frickin' named after her.

-Speaking of loving and hating characters, Season 1 ends with the appearance of Addison Montgomery-Shepherd. In recent years, I've lamented the move of Addy's character from GA to that evil piece of crap known as Private Practice. However, in Season 2, she is a royal mega-beeyotch and I hate her. So when do I start liking her again? Time will tell.

-The legendary "pick me, choose me, love me" scene? Totally overrated.

-Mass-disaster-all-hands-on-deck catastrophes so far: Dead Baby Bike Race, Train Derailment.

-Dr. Bailey is so hardcore, and I totally love her, but she really doesn't even warrant the title of "The Nazi" from day one.

-Preston Burke. I think I hated him when he left, but I miss him in the present now that I see how awesome he was in the beginning. Christina doesn't know how good she has it.

-Izzie has always been nuts. Boys make her double nuts. I forgot that she and Alex had a fling in S2 before he banged the syphilis nurse. And she's just met Denny Duquette. Oh lordy, here we go.

-George O'Malley. Love him. So much. That is all.

-The first "seriously?!?" of the show actually comes from a patient in S1. Go fig.

I am loving the fact that I'm falling in love with my favorite show all over again, and it's pretty much going to destroy a good chunk of my summer. Oh well. If it gets me to write in this blog more often, maybe that's a good thing.  :)


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