
Showing posts from August, 2005

Oy vey...

My away message reads as such: "How you know it's time to find a new job: You wake up in the morning and you try to think of ways to knock yourself out, therefore resulting in a concussion that would render you unable go into work. Contemplating self-inflicted head trauma is never a good thing." Oh, if I had the time and the energy to tell you all how bad it's been at MoMIS. It's 1984 meets Office Space meets high school. And if you haven't read 1984 by George Orwell, you absolutely must do so. The worst part is that all of the co-workers that I trusted have either left the company or switched to different schedules. So now I'm all alone in a place where I have to be constantly paranoid and have no one to kvetch with. And then there's the daily psychological warfare that goes on between management and myself. Let's just say that I am sending out my resume to a few temp agencies before the week is over. I don't even care if I don't have i...

On the randomness of cosmic coincidence

So I had to take Andre to the airport today (for his vacation in Texas with his fam), and we're sitting in the food court finishing up our lunch. All of a sudden, I see someone familiar walk past the food court. I thought, 'No, it's my eyes playing tricks on me.' Then he walked closer to the food court, and I knew it was him for certain. My ex-boyfriend from high school. Oh. my. gawd! Ok, it was a totally cool thing to see him because we remained friends after the breakup and we lost contact a few years ago. (You know, cell phone numbers change, e-mails change, IM names changes, etc.) And I always thought about him every now and then and wondered what he was up to and if he was doing ok down in Florida and all that kind of stuff. And suddenly, in Newark Airport, I run into him after not seeing him for like 3 years. Freaky, huh? Since his flight was delayed, we had some time to catch up and chat and stuff, and I was so glad to find out that he's doing well. Now I...
And apparently my compy doesn't like to post entire blogs either.

Nearing 200?

So my computer is kind of retarded and doesn't show me exactly how many posts I have unless I log in on a PC. Or maybe it doens't like my browser. Anyway,