
Showing posts from December, 2007

Christmas Eve!!!!

And here I sit on the couch, chilling and watching tv with my sister, bundled up in a sweater and fuzzy pants, bored out of my mind because I want Christmas to be here already! No, I'm not going to be 25 next year at all. Anyway, just wanted to kill a few quick minutes and wish you all a peaceful and blessed holiday (whether it's tomorrow or whether you've already celebrated). After the year I've had, I'm definitely grateful to be here in New Jersey with my family and celebrating Christmas together. Merry Christmas to all! I'll be back soon with a year-end wrap up, and it's gonna be a doozy!

Fuzzies to keep me warm...

Talk about warm fuzzy feelings.... I have some of the best friends in the entire world. I was sitting at work around 4:30 or so this afternoon, and Andre calls me back. I had called him earlier to say hi and brag about the company holiday party I attended (and got wasted at) last night. Anyway, I pick up the phone, and after some general chit-chat, I'm told what my Christmas present will be. I'm going to Rutgers-Christmas. Seriously. But wait, you say, doesn't Rutgers-Christmas take place where the majority of the founders of said event are? Meaning New Jersey? As in, hundreds if not thousands of miles away from Florida? You would be correct, and I thank you for following this little blog long enough to know such random trivia about my life. I'm going to New Jersey. Tomorrow morning. Into a nor'easter that's gonna hit on Sunday. I'll worry about that on Sunday. I have the. best. friends. ever. Actually, I've been having a good few days. Dad got a kidne...

December? Seriously??

We're getting down towards the end of the year, I the only one who can't believe that it's December already? This year has been insane. I was right when I said that 20o7 was gonna be a big year - I just didn't realize how big. I went from living at the Bayshore Bungalow with 4 other people at one point to living in Florida with my sister. I was getting over paid at a job I hated, now I'm loving a job that pays practically nothing. I could go on and on, but my brain is tired. Work does that to a person. Anyway, it's not quite time for the classic year-end wrap up blog that I sometimes do. Right now it's time to have some dinner, crack open a beer, and play some Guitar Hero III. Laters