Cel-e-brate good times, c'mon!!!

Bust out the confetti and party hats and noisemakers everyone! We have cause for celebration!

No, I didn't score a real job in NYC yet.
And, no, I'm not so fortunate as to have left the Cheesecake Factory. That party will include hard liquor and the burning of my uniform.

Today's a happy day because...
(drum roll please)

This is my 100th Blog!!!

::roaring crowds as a giant "100" lights up and blinks like some telethon event and confetti flutters through the air::

I figured that 100 would be a good number to take notice of and celebrate. If tv shows get to make a big deal out of their 100th episode (the typical benchmark in order to qualify for syndication), then I'm going to make a big deal out of my blog.
I mean, my life is just one pathetic twenty-something quasi-soap destined for one season of fame on the WB before it fades into pop culture trivia, right?

So nearly 3 years and 100 blogs ago, I was sitting in front of my computer and typing the first of many pointless blogs. It was more of a test run than anything. But looking at it now always strikes me with this strange feeling. That's the only pre 9/11 blog I have. It almost seems fitting that it was to happen that way. I'm glad that I started blogging because that first week or so of blogs serves as a testament to the way a lot of us felt after that day. As much as I tried to distance myself from all the tragedy, as much as I didn't want to be one of those people who wallowed in sorrow for months and months, I still felt the loss and the pain and the fear at one point. And it shows in my blogs.

But past that, it's been interesting to see how I chronicled my short time in college and how much I've changed. And how I spent so much time wanting to be done with school yet now I would give anything to have one more year in undergrad. Now I'm literally on the verge of breaking into my career (if I can just find the guts) and praying for something to happen that will either force me to quit working at Cheesecake or just get fired. Preferably the latter, and with the more dramatic hysterics, the better. Not a single person who truly knows me can deny that I am a drama queen.

So what can we expect to see in the future from this blog? Well, I guess you can rely on the idea that I'll be here, pounding away at my keyboard, telling the stories that make my life interesting, unenviable, or downright hilarious. And I'll always have my rants about politics (and you BETTER be registered to vote this year!) and the ways of the world that piss me off. Sometimes I'll blog everyday, sometimes I'll blog once a month. But I'll be here.

Blogger rules for having a free site that allows millions of us to say what we want, whenever we want, and not pay a dime for it. Free speech doesn't get any better than this.

Glasses up, everyone, time for a toast:

To Blogger, to my blog, and to 100 more posts!


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