losing it

yep, i seriously think i'm losing it. i hate my job, but i'm pretty much stuck there until i can go full time at the toy store. but the cheesecake factory is destroying my soul. i'd be surprised if anyone was still reading at this point...all i've done all summer is complain about how much my life sucks because of one stupid place.
there's so many things that i've tried to get done today before work. the only thing i've been successful at is doing some laundry and talking to andre. everything else has been a half assed attempt at organization or non-slackerness before i decided that i was too tired or lazy to bother. i guess i'll just call it energy conservation and mental preparation for my weekend in hell. maybe i should just take a nap. i feel tired, but i think it's just depression setting in. that, and knowing that i have to find someone to cover my shift on wednesday, which is going to be next to impossible because we only have 2 in-house cashiers. they're making servers work cash shifts...that's how desperate things are.
i hate my job and it's making me hate my life (or lack thereof at this point). going back to sleep for a little bit, then shower, eat, and off to work.


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