Still waiting...

Spent yesterday incessantly checking my phone but it never rang. I'm still waiting for an answer, so I'll be calling later this afternoon to follow up on everything. Dude, I really need this job. I've already been to one interview at a bank and I was so bored that I think I really would kill myself if I had to work there. And the pay is totally crap.

In other news...
So I went to Blockbuster yesterday to pick up a few flicks to watch while waiting for my phone to ring. Got home, watched Garden State and it was cool. Then it was time to watch Friday Night Lights. I pop the DVD into my player and...

Disaster strikes.

The previews are skipping and freezing all over the place. I push the stop button. "Operation not allowed by disc," I am told. Irritated, I walked the three feet to the DVD player and physically removed the disc.

Have you ever looked at the back of a rented DVD?

Let's just make this Public Service Announcement time:

Hold the f-ing DVD by its edges!!!!! Don't use it as a coaster or a frisbee. DVD's should not be handled by anyone under the age of 12! Keep DVD's away from your pets. Wash your dirty-ass hands before picking up a DVD!

This message has been brought to you by the Pissed Off Renters Association.

The DVDs I had were so covered in fingerprints and scratches that I drove all the way back to the damn Blockbuster to demand cleaner copies. I even used a true story that happened a few months ago. I rented Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban...the DVD player showed a message that I didn't even know existed:

"Disc is dirty."

From now on, I shall check every single DVD I rent from that place before leaving the store. That is all.


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