Circles and other non-related topics

All my life's a circle
sunrise and sundown
the moon rose through the night time
till the daybreak comes around
all my life's a circle
but I can't tell you why
seasons spinning round again
the years keep rolling by.

That was one of my favorite Girl Scout camp songs from long ago. It just popped into my head. I thought I'd share.

In other news...
I just got back from New B. I hung out with an old friend(?) of mine who I hadn't seen in a while. It was chill. We saw a ska band and just hung out. Not a lot of talking, just hanging. I realized that I didn't have much to talk about. Yeah, I say a lot of stuff here, but not a lot has really been going on. It was weird cuz my friend has this really cool radio job and he gets to meet all these celebrities and stuff. Meanwhile, I've been sitting at home watching tv and blogging about pointless stuff.

God, I hate feeling like a loser. But now that I have a job I'll have interesting things to talk about eventually.

Earlier today I cleaned my room and unearthed lots and lots of dust. Which isn't fun when you're violently allergic to it. Lots of sneezing ensued. But I discovered lots of things. My carpet is blue. I have a queen sized bed instead of a half-twin. I also re-organized my closet. Everything is arranged in the following order:
1. Dressy stuf that can't be worn to work.
2. Outerwear
3. Business suits aka interview clothes
4. Work pants and skirts
5. Work shirts
6. Casual clothes
7. Belts

I disposed of approximately 8 shoeboxes. I also managed to part with 2 shopping bags of clothes including approximately 8 bras that I haven't been able to wear since I was 13. I found and disposed of the cell phone boxes for the three cell phones that I no longer use. Maybe I'll sell the phones on eBay. Or I should donate them...but they're really not in working condition.

And now for something completely different.

I have invented the coolest drinking game. At least I think it's cool. But I'm a dork. The game is called Cocktail Spelling Bee. Essentially, it's just spelling the names of various alcoholic beverages. You screw up, you drink. I think it's a cool game simply because I would kick ass at it and watch my friends get hammered. I'm a particularly good speller.

For anyone who's keeping score, blogs don't particularly count. I hate spell check and I rarely proofread before posting.

Anyhoo, I intend to attempt to play this game sometime. Maybe I'll make up the cards now and then put them away for a few weeks in an attempt to be fair. Seriously, this game could be fun. Do you think you could spell Tanqueray when you're drunk? How about Jagermeister? Or Blackhaus? Goldschlager? Jose Cuervo. Dos Equis.

Ok, so it's a drinking game for dorks. Have I ever denied being a dork?

Speaking of intellectual pursuits...

Last night I finished reading Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. It was my first time reading anything by Dickens.

No, you did not hallucinate. I have a bachelor's degree, I practically minored in English, and I had not read a page of Dickens until I started a few weeks ago.

I found the book to be rather boring. I don't know why kids are forced to read it in high school.

Here's another interesting fact. I also got a college degree without reading anything by Hemingway, Steinbeck, or Twain. Ever. Not even in high school. And I don't feel any less intelligent than one who had to read anything by those authors. I did, however, read The Great Gatsby twice and I will die a happy woman if I never read it again.

You try writing a paper about the quasi-spritual quest of Gatsby and see how much you like the book afterwards.

Hmm...I guess that's it for now. Peace out.

I've been here a thousand times
I guess you've done the same
and then we lose each other
it's like a children's game
but now I find you here again
the thought runs through my mind
love is like a circle
let's go 'round one more time.


Anonymous said…
he he... dork :)
i love you though

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