Here we go...

My first day of work starts in less than 8 hours. Granted the first 3 days will be orientation and then 4 to 5 weeks of training, but it starts in a few hours.

My body is still on "unemployed time."

So I have to make this quick.

I can't believe I'm actually nervous. The hard part is over: I got the job. But now I'm a working girl. For real. Like real money and benefits and only 10 days off for the rest of the year. 10. I have two weddings to go to, so I sincerely hope I don't get the flu or something.

I ramble.

Well, I would really love to talk about all the stuff that's going through my head right now, but I still have to pick out an outfit. And then take a 4 hour nap. I have to be up around 4:30 for insane reasons that could only happen to me because I live on the Edge of Nowhere and I have to deal with the most ghetto train line ever.

If you don't hear from me for a few days, never fear. I have a lot of adjusting to do.

Here goes nothing...


Anonymous said…
Good Luck!
Anonymous said…
congrats on getting to the real world... good luck

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