Adventures in Ohio!

I just got back from Ohio today, and I had a pretty interesting weekend. I'm still slightly queasy from my wine hangover, so I'll break this down into bite-sized nuggets of fun for you all.

-If you ever travel through Philadelphia International Airport, be advised that you should give yourself 2 1/2 hours to get through security. They just haven't caught up to Newark and JFK/LaGuardia when it comes to speediness.

-Cleveland Hopkins Airport has some interesting restaurants if you're ever stuck there on an unintentional layover. I also met a woman from Jackson, Mississippi who ordered 2 double bourbons and cokes. She has a daughter who's a theater nut like me. I gave her my e-mail address to pass on to her daughter in case she ever wants advice about the theater world.

-Turboprop planes are not as scary as I thought they would be. With the exception of almost flipping over on the return trip to Cleveland. But we all know how much I exaggerate. There were no near death experiences involved.

-Holiday Inn Express really does have the best hotel showerheads. But they do not have security cameras that monitor the parking lot. Which sucks if your car is a victim in a hit and run. Fortunately, this did not happen to my friends either.

-I cry at weddings.

-The wedding was cool. Especially when all of the band geeks collectively cringed when the brass quintet hit some sour notes.

-The reception was fun. I asked what white wine they had and I was told that they had white zinfandel. I had to point to the chardonnay before it was identified as such. Merlot was also pronounced with the "t" at the end. The short guy in "Sideways" would have gone apoplectic.

-Does anyone know what you're supposed to do when you're told to "Charlie Brown" during the Cha-Cha Slide?

The most important thing was that I was able to be there for Jeff on one of the most important days in his life. And considering I hadn't seen him in 5 was a big deal. I felt honored to be invited, and Jeff was happy that I was there. And that's all that matters.

Even when it means paying $51 for parking in the garage lot at Philly airport. That's a whole lotta love right there.

So congratulations to Jeff and Meghan! All the luck and twice the love in the world. You both deserve it!

Wannabe wedding diva, out.


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