Don't Panic!!

Ok, so I was really dramatic in the last post and now everyone's worried and stuff.

Essentially there was some issues with our car insurance. Like the fact that we didn't have any for 6 months. And no one knew except my dad.

There was lots of yelling and screaming involved.

But we all have insurance again, and I now own my car. I paid a dollar for it. Actually, I only paid the $.06 sales tax on it.

And I'm still not speaking to my dad.

But we're being required (by my mom) to at least get him a card for Father's Day.


In other news, the iPod restoration continues at a snail's pace.

Information on the new digs coming **very** soon. Still haven't told the parentals. But I guess I should do that too since move out/in day is July 1st!

Coming up this weekend: Jeff's wedding in Ohio. There will probably be some great stories behind this adventure. Especially if I'm not granted the vacay time to go to this wedding.

Apparently, some imaginary entity must approve my request.


The new job now officially sucks, but I'm working on an exit strategy. More details to follow.

From here on out, the new job shall be referred to as the Ministry of Misinformation (MoMIS for short).

I have finally discovered that no matter how much they try to make our job seem important at MoMIS, it's really just another shitty call center job. Hooray.

Really must go now...the house is being appraised tomorrow and my room is a level 8 disaster area (surprise face).

Disgruntled Pawn of The Man, out.


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