Oy vey...

My away message reads as such:

"How you know it's time to find a new job:

You wake up in the morning and you try to think of ways to knock yourself out, therefore resulting in a concussion that would render you unable go into work.

Contemplating self-inflicted head trauma is never a good thing."

Oh, if I had the time and the energy to tell you all how bad it's been at MoMIS. It's 1984 meets Office Space meets high school. And if you haven't read 1984 by George Orwell, you absolutely must do so.

The worst part is that all of the co-workers that I trusted have either left the company or switched to different schedules. So now I'm all alone in a place where I have to be constantly paranoid and have no one to kvetch with. And then there's the daily psychological warfare that goes on between management and myself.

Let's just say that I am sending out my resume to a few temp agencies before the week is over. I don't even care if I don't have it all revised and pretty yet like Career Services told me to. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I can't do what I did last summer at the Evil Place aka Cheesecake Factory.

Aight kids, stay tuned. Things have to get better soon.

I'm really tired of not being happy anymore.

I leave you all with the words of 1984. This is now what goes through my mind everyday, and it might give you an idea of what I'm dealing with:

War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength.

We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Discontented Party member under Thought Police surveillance, out.

(Please just read the book. You'll get it if you read the book.)


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