OK, let's do something fun for a change

So I was enjoying my morning coffee (at 1 in the afternoon) and flipping through the local newspaper when I was once again reminded that I am back in New Jersey.

Between the local arts scene here and all that New York has to offer, I could potentially be a very busy person.

I no longer have to read articles in the Times and sigh because I won't get to see that show or that movie because South Florida can be a cultural wasteland at times. I can actually get in my car or hop on a train and go do stuff and see things! Hooray!

With that in mind, and to lift my spirits a bit, I've decided to put together a list of all the shows that I want to go see in NYC over the course of this year. It'll be tough to work it around my work schedule (positive thinking, remember?), but it's doable. So here's the list of Broadway and some Off-B'way productions I plan to see in 2009:

1. West Side Story. In previews now, opens March 19th. Quite possibly the one single musical that I have always wanted to see on stage. My most favorite musical of all time thus far. I am obsessed with this show and have been since I saw the movie in seventh grade. ::squeeeeeee:: omfg it's West Side Story!!!!

2. Avenue Q. Again. Only because Andre still hasn't seen it, mainly because he was supposed to take me to see it for my 23rd birthday, but I gave up and saw it right before I moved to Florida. But the show is so awesome I would pay money to see it again.

3. Chicago. I loved the movie adaptation of it, and I honestly should have seen this show forever ago.

4. Guys and Dolls. Coming soon. Worked on the crew for this show back in high school, so it'll be fun to see a professional production of it.

5. In The Heights. Ranks right below West Side Story as far as shows that I really really want to see.

6. Jersey Boys. Because I'm like the only person on the planet who hasn't seen it yet or something.

7. The Lion King. Duh.

8. Mamma Mia! Because I need to see what the show is really supposed to look like. All I have is the movie version in my head, and I would love to do what it takes to get Pierce Brosnan's singing out of my brain. Seriously.

9. Wicked. I know the soundtrack backwards and forwards but have not seen the show. I should fix that.

10. Hair. Coming soon. The Shakespeare in the Park run of this last summer got rave reviews. I love the music, and I think the movie version didn't do this show justice.

11. Rock of Ages. Because it will be cool to rock out to Journey while watching a B'way show.

12. The Wiz. This summer. New York City Center's putting up a production of it. I love love love the movie so I'd like to see a stage version of it. There's been talks of a full-out B'way revival for years, but nothing's coming of it, so this will have to do for now.

13. Dreamgirls. This fall. Part of the 75th anniversary celebration of the Apollo Theater. Can't wait to see how they'll go about casting Effie. (Can they seriously find anyone that will hold a candle to either Jennifer Holliday or Jennifer Hudson?)

And that's my list so far. That is a lot of theater to go see.

But being deprived of all of the awesomness that the tri-state has to offer for 18 months made me realize that I should never again take it for granted. New York City is in my backyard! Literally/figureatively!

As soon as I secure a job, I'm taking full advantage of the benefits to living here. It's part of my birthright as a Jersey girl, dammit.


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