One thing I will not miss about Florida

is the effing ants. While I haven't been nearly as irritated as my OCD control freak sister by the constant stream of ants coursing through our apartment since we've been here, I'm especially irritated today.

The ants have commandeered my bookshelf for no particular reason. This is frustrating because I'm packing up my books, and the ants are everywhere. All I could do is smash them ans yell at them, "Stay away from my books!"

Fortunately, I'm not keeping the bookshelf. It's going in the dumpster. Don't yell at me for not giving it away or selling it on Craig's List - it's undonateable and unsaleable. It barely survived the move down here, and it will be a miracle if I can get it down to the dumpster without it completely falling apart.

And it's infested with ants.


Back to packing, then to the U-Haul store for more boxes...I still have a shelf's worth of books to pack, then it's on to the CD's...that should be fun, since 1/4 of my collection is in my car. Looks like I'm going to be burning tons of music for the trip back home.


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