Pissed. Off. Again!

I got a letter in the mail from one of my credit card companies today. They wanted to jack up my APR to 20.74% variable.

Fuuuuuuuck that noise.

I rejected the change, called and gave them a piece of my mind, and demanded that they remove me from all of their stupid mailing and phone lists.

I've had that card for almost 7 years, and now it's sitting on my bed, cut in half. Granted, I stopped using the card a while ago in an effort to really start paying down the balance on it (which will take a long time considering how much was on it and my current income). But still. This is pure and total bullshit.

You know what else is bullshit? Standing around folding underwear for four hours.

In an act of desperation, I hit up the mall and put in an application at the local Panty Palace. So now I have to stand around and obsessively fix tables of underwear for hours at a time. It sucks. Especially when I also managed to land a couple of temp gigs that have now rendered the Palace job unnecessary, but I'm afraid to quit because I don't know when my luck will run out and I'll be back to doing nothing. So I'll be temping during the week and folding underwear on the weekends. Uber-fun!!

Needless to say, I'm back to looking for a real job that pays decent money and won't make me want to kill myself. And I'm doing this during the worst economic crisis that we've seen since the Great Depression. Greaaat.

Maybe if I start looking for people who re-elected Bush in '04 so I can beat their heads in with a tire iron, I'll feel better.



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