A summer project postponed...

...but for good reason.

A long, long time ago, back in November of '97, I received The Beatles' Abbey Road as a birthday present.

(Yes, my birthday's in January, not November. It's a long story that I won't go into today because I'm trying to get better about my off topic diversions. And parenthetical asides. Crap.)

The gift wasn't a surprise because my friend was a huge Beatles fan and would spend what felt like hours talking about just how awesome the Beatles were. Additionally, I was in my "hippie" phase, or what my mother liked to call my "grunge" phase, so I was interested in anything having to do with tie dye, peace signs, smiley faces, and Birkenstocks. Hence, it was a perfect time to really get turned on to the Beatles (at least their later albums).

Immediately after listening to the CD, I went back to track one and listened again. "Wow," I thought, "The Beatles are, like, totally cool." (I was also heavily influenced by the phenomenon that was the movie Clueless, and have had some element of valley-girl-speak affect my everyday language ever since. Work with me here.)

Already-too-long story short, Abbey Road instantly became one of my favorite albums ever, probably falling somewhere in the top ten of my 25 Favorite Albums. Year after year, I'd pull it off the rack of my ever-growing CD collection and listen to it. It never got old, it never got boring, it was just awesome music.

I knew that there was so much more to the Beatles than one album, so I finally decided to start expanding my catalog. I would start buying other Beatles CDs and enjoying them and it would be affordable because since the albums were old, I could pick them up for like $10 a piece.


The music stores, of course, could easily get away with charging $17, $18, $20 bucks for a Beatles CD because it's The Beatles. And being a cash-strapped high school or college student, I couldn't justify dropping more than $13 on a CD. Even if it was the Beatles. And I definitely wouldn't shell out the extra cash for The White Album (roughly $25, if not more). So my library remained woefully light on Beatles content, with only the addition of the number 1 compilation (that continues to get regular play in my CD rotation).

Fast forward to present day. Being an old school person who still likes buying physical CD's, I made a resolution to finally get more Beatles music into my library. I might only have slightly more spending money than I did 12 or 10 or 5 years ago, but dammit, I'm going to be a grown up and do it! This year was going to be the year! This summer!

And then I found this nugget in the Times.

All new, digitally remastered versions, dropping this September!

Dude, how heated would I have been had I not known this and ended up buying one or two albums right before the remasters were released? I'm only slightly irritated over the fact that I'll be dropping extra ducats for the Abbey Road remaster when I already own a CD.

But then again, it's going to be worth it. Because it's the Beatles.

So I'll put my project off till September. However, I think it will still technically be summer by then, so I can still call it a summer project, right? So the project isn't really postponed, it's just delayed.

Or post-pwned, since I'll have to wait a little longer than I had planned. Hee hee - pwned.


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