here's a weird thing...i'm not at work. *gasp!* even last entry was only 2 days ago. *double take!*
so essentially what's going on is that Shoestring rehearsal was cancelled for tonight and I have found myself with absolutely nothing to do for the entire evening. i'm totally beside myself. i have nothing to do. no homework to do, and nowhere to go because i have no money. well, i could do my laundry. but that would involve going all the way to the student center to get change because the evil change machine here is broken. and i'd only be able to do one load because that's all i can afford. and it seems rather pointless to only do one load of laundry. i guess i could just download some movies and stuff myself with popcorn. or i could be even lamer and do something anal with my mp3s. or maybe i could start decorating the other half of my room...since i don't have a roommate anymore and half of my room looks totally depressing. my idea was to bust out my crayons and some paper and decorate the other side of my room with my favorite song lyrics and stuff. but song lyrics are depressing me right now (you know, the whole just-got-dumped-so-the-world-sucks syndrome). i should take my behind to the gym, but that also takes too much effort.
so i just finished talking to liz and we decided that we're going to the women's basketball game tonight! yay! now i have stuff to do! i'm gonna go get ready for the game....toodles! (btw, this was a totally pointless blog....sorry)


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