the day is finally here!

Tonight I'll be getting on a plane headed for Scotland and the largest theater festival in the world. That's right, the whole freaking world! It's 9:15 in the morning...the only reason I'm up this early is because I can't sleep anymore. And I've only gotten about 6 hours of sleep. This is crazy stuff.
I'll eventually get showered and go pick up a few last minute things...then sit impatiently around the house till 3pm (another 6 hours from now)...then it's off to the airport for a send off fit for a princess:
my boyfriend's coming to the airport to say bon voyage...and it was totally his idea.
am I the luckiest girl on the face of the planet or what?

so, speaking of boyfriends, things between Phil and I are going fabulously. as of Sunday, we've officially been together for a month. it feels like it's been longer than a month (in a good way), though. well, i guess it technically has been longer than a month, considering that we've known each other for 3 years. everyone keeps using the term "finally" when I tell them about me and Phil. like in the context of, "awww, so you two finally got together after 3 years...that's so sweet!" and it really is, too :0)

I've been so happy with the way things are going right now...there's nothing to analyze, nothing to try and change, just me being me and him being him and me being grateful for the fact that he's willing to put up with my insanity. seriously. my mom asked me a few weeks ago, "does Phil know you're crazy?" well, let me make this clear to everyone: Phil spent an entire day with me when was having one of the most schizophrenic days of my life. I mean, I was in "happy Amber's got a boyfriend" mode, then I'd switch to "hyper Amber's just consumed 3 times her daily allowance of caffeine for the day" mode, then I'd switch to "if I was in charge of this event it would be SO different mode", then I'd be like "oh my god, I'm turning into my mother", so then I'd end up in "new age Amber's trying to take deep cleansing breaths and remind herself that she has no control over the situation" mode. Phil put up with all of it. So, yes, he knows I'm psychotic and he doesn't seem to mind. :0)

By the way, did I mention how amazing he is?

"Hypothetical" question: Say that you were crass enough to pick a wedgie when you're on a date, and actually announce that you're doing so. What type of date do you perform such an act during?

a) the first date, most likely a blind date. You've barely talked to the guy for more than a week.

b) a few months or more into the relationship. You're really comfortable around each other and talk about practically everything (but not the super-embarassing/gross girl problems that you only talk about with your close girlfriends, ex. PMS)

c) once you've been married for a while (yes, married people still go out on dates...with each other). it doesn't get much more comfortable than that.

d) none of the above. it's one thing to pick a wedgie in public, but to do it on a date? with a guy?? and actually say, "hey, sorry about that, these Victoria's Secret thongs are wedged so far up my ass that I'm gagging on the tag"? sorry, I am a real lady and I would never do that.

So what's your answer? I know what mine is. But remember the quotation around "hypothetical." Questions like that just don't come from out of the blue. :0)

Well, I've managed to kill another hour of time, so I'm off to shower and do other stuff. Toodles, everyone! I'll try to blog from Edinburgh, and if I can't, I'll have a full briefing when I return!

"If you have built your castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them..." ~Thoreau

Here's to one more brick in the foundation!


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