...who has so graciously given me one hour of internet time, of which I only have 26 minutes left. I was shopping for a new computer. Yes, a new one. Yes, the shiny new laptop that I so cherished and exalted one Christmas morning is now nothing more than a glorified, 6 pound, $1500 paperweight. All thanks to a bad logic board (or motherboard, for you PC people out there). In other words (for the non-technologically inclined), my computer experienced brain-death about a week ago. And get this: Even though Apple knows that there's been a problem with the logic boards, they refuse to replace them because the problem has occured once all the computers are so conveniently out of warranty. Essentially, the consumer gets screwed by someone's cost/benefit analysis. Grrrrrr... So I have to buy a new computer. Which is not fun, considering that a new one will cost more than what I make in a month, and my budget has already shrunk considerably. I'm seriously considering cancelling my...