it's at odd hours of the night/morning that i do my best and worst thinking. that's the best preface that i can come up with for the next bit of cryptic writing i'm about to put down. if it doesn't make sense, it's ok. it's only intended to make sense to one person who let me know that s/he reads this blog (and hopefully that one person will get it and let me know that I'm not going crazy). anyways, here goes...

Right now, I feel like I'm going skydiving for the first time. The plane's in the air, I'm in the plane, and I have 2 choices: jump or stay in the plane. If I jump, I'll either get to experience the thrill of flying before safely landing with a parachute, or some horrible disaster will occur and I will plunge to my death. If I stay in the plane, I'll get to land safely, but know that I missed out on a chance of a lifetime because I was too chicken to jump.
So what do I do now? Do I jump, or stay in the plane?


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