My Life, by the numbers: a status report.
Time elapsed since moving home for the summer: 2 weeks, 3 days
Weeks left of summer session: 5
Weeks left till Scotland: 9
Weeks till fall semester: 13

Weight gained since being home: 8 lbs
Weight lost since being home: 4 lbs
Hours of exercise completed: approx 4 hours (if playing Dance Dance Revolution counts)

Times I have fed the cat: 2
Times I have chased the cat out of my room: approx 10
Times I have cursed the cat's existence: approx 34 (at least twice a day)
Inhaled doses of albuterol due to cat dander exposure: approx 8

Times I have vacuumed my room: 2
Times I have dusted my room: 2
Times I have woken up miserable due to allergens in my house: 17

DVD's rented since being home: 3
Video stores in the area where I owe overdue fees: 2

Places of current employment: 0
Amount of last paycheck: $144
Amount of last Mastercard bill: $468
Amount of money due for Scotland: $1,000
Amount of money needed for spending in Scotland: $700-1,000 USD
Amount of GST refund from spring break in Canada: $0 CAD

Times I have cleaned the bathroom: 1
Times I have forgotten to replace toilet paper: 2
Times I have asked my sister to clean bathroom: 2

Weeks till my sister's graduation: 3
Number of people to occupy my house in celebration of said graduation: 15-17
Extra appliances necessary to accomodate relatives: 1 small refrigerator
Number of bathrooms to be shared by these 15-17 people: 2.5
Predicted time before I lose my mind and flee my house: 4 hours

Thus my status report. Yeah, graduation's gonna be fun. 15 people, 4 bedrooms, 3 air mattresses, 2.5 bathrooms, 2 refrigerators, 2 days of absolute madness. God help us all.


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