*sigh* rainy days and mondays always get me down...
well, for once it's not raining today, but it's unnaturally cool. will the weather ever make up its damn mind and decide what season it is? actually, the first day of summer isn't until like next week or something. i guess that's why it's allowed to be barely 70 degrees outside.
so i'm here in the computer lab again...putting off other important things that need to be done...because i don't feel like doing anything. blargggghhh.
we went to the Cheesecake Factory last night for Father's Day. I'm glad that the food was superb because the service was terrible. first of all, we had to wait an hour and 45 minutes for a table. yes, an hour and 45 fricking minutes. then when we were finally seated, we ended up with a space cadet of a waitress who took for-ev-er to get our drink orders, appetizers, entrees, etc. but the food was really good...i had a Factory Grande Burrito. when they said grande, they really meant mucho mucho muy muy grande. the thing was huge...i finished about 1/3rd of it. mmmm....leftovers....*drool* and i ordered key lime cheesecake for dessert, but i haven't touched it yet. mmmm....cheesecake....*more drool*
so when i have finished wasting time and typing this pointless blog, i will be heading over to the Telefund office to sign up for next week's shifts. whoo-hoo. the Telefund. can't you just feel the excitement oozing from every pixel of this blog. i can hardly contain my rapture. (and if you haven't picked up the scathing sarcasm by now...i'm sorry that it doesn't transfer well in print. you'll just have to trust me.) actually, i don't think that the job will be too bad, thanks to all of the phone training that i got when i worked for Marriott two summers ago. i have a good "phone voice", i'm good with the scripts, and i've learned how to take verbal abuse from irate people. yep, i'll do just fine with the Telefund. can you believe that we have to negotiate with the prospect at least 4 times before ending the call (unless they hang up first)? *sigh* i'm gonna be earning that $9/hr all right. even better: in the past 3 weeks, they've hired over 100 people. there's only 40 seats available every night. yeah, the math doesn't add up. they're banking on the idea that a lot of these people are going to quit or get fired. they didn't even check my references before they hired me. if they had stricter hiring policies and better training, they would retain more people. at this point, if you can speak english and use a telephone, you're hired. is that crazy or what? (isn't that veird? i'm sorry, i don't speak freaky-deeky dutch)
i really do feel like dr. evil right now. if only i had some frickin sharks with some frickin lasers on their frickin heads...i'd have sharks with lasers on their heads. but if i was dr. evil and the head of an international evil empire, i'd have a buttload of money and i wouldn't have to worry about working for the telefund. *sigh*
well, it's almost 11am and i've successfully wasted/spent half an hour on the computer. i guess that means i should go and do my important stuff now:
-funnel more money from my savings account so i can finish paying for scotland (the bastards!)
-sign up for my Telefund shifts
-dare the Shoestring producer to pry my several-hundred-dollar check from my dead, stiff fingers (ah, the beauty of hyperbole and imagery...)
-eat lunch (mmm...food)
-go to the studio early and extend the 3 hour lab in which i must roast and rot while slaving over my drop-point perspective rendering of my set design (hyperbole and alliteration! i'm enjoying this way too much. but then again, i'm an english minor.)

ok, ok, i'm really going now.
any minute now, i'll just post this and go on about my business.
*sigh of utter defeat*


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