The Silence continues...

This time it's that loaded silence that holds the future. When you've put yourself out there, completely stripped of fancy semantics and pseudo-intellectual banter, and you've said all that you felt.

Not what you thought. What you felt. Whatever was left inside when you managed to shut down your brain for a few precious moments and just let your heart talk. You barely even know what you're saying as it all comes out, but you know that it's all real and pure and completely you.

So it's out there. Hanging in silence. Waiting to be taken for what it's worth, whatever it may or may not be worth by now.

It goes way deeper than having your heart on your sleeve or your emotions written on your face. Those words, those feelings, those anti-thoughts are all a piece of yourself that you laid out on the table. The presentation may not have been Martha-worthy, but you put it out there nonetheless.

And now you wait in those seconds of silence. The seconds that become minutes and hours and days that endlessly stretch while a piece of yourself waits out there: cold, scared, impatient, but waiting. There's no ticking clock that marks the time. No hash marks to chronicle the moments of fear.

Just frozen time. Suspended animation. And total silence.


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