T-minus 1hr 55m...

...till I am done with work for the week. I'm very much in an "I don't wanna" mood today. All I want to do is go home and get back in my bed and go to sleep. Yes, being sleepy is my own fault because I insisted on staying up to watch "Family Guy" and then "Squidbillies" (which is freaking hilarious, by the way), and then staying up for another hour reading I Am Charlotte Simmons. Which is an interesting book. I can't wait to see how it ends, but I'm getting tired of the characters. There's not a single person in there who I really like. Or someone to cheer for.

Come to think of it, all of the characters are pretty cliched (apologies for lack of proper accentation) and underdeveloped. There's the snotty prep school roommate (who's also a bulimic, alcoholic hoe-bag), the strikingly handsome frat boy (drunk on his own power; clumsily written as somewhat more mature and evolved as his brothers...or is he?), the dumb jock (who struggles as a white basketball player. And he really is smart, but he just can't let anyone else know that), the skinny nerd (who belongs to his own nerd clique and "tutors" for the b-ball team)...it goes on and on.

I can't tell if I'm devouring the book so I can get it over with or if I'm really enjoying the story. Especially since I want to jump into the story and befriend the main character so I can tell her to have a beer, get laid, smoke a little pot, fail a class (just one!), and just be a college student, for cryin' out loud! Geez, as long as you come out of there with a good GPA, a solid degree, STD-free, and you're not pregnant or addicted to drugs...you can do all the stupid crap you want to! That's what college is about!

Yeah, yeah, easy for me to say. I did a whole bunch of stupid stuff in college (the above listed things are NOT an exact list of what I may or may not have done). Depending on who asks me, I'll fess up or plead the Fifth. But honestly...you gotta have fun in college.

Time check: 1hr 34m. *Sigh*

Too bored to even blog right now. Call it ennui, call it melancholy, or just plain sloth.

Man, a nap would really be nice right about now...


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