To the people who might not get it...

An anonymous commenter (see comment from previous post) obviously doesn't get it.

The majority of the people who were affected by Katrina are of that "given ethnic background" that you oh-so-eloquently speak of. Yes, I am talking about Black folks.

I'm not afraid to say it...why are you?

The affirmative action laws being lifted will allow federally funded contractors to conveniently hire whoever the hell they want from wherever the hell they want and not suffer any consequences for it if they just happen to have an all-white crew of people re-building the Ninth Ward.

And you have the nerve to say to me, "That's racism, sister" if the affirmative action laws stay in effect?

I'm gonna set the record straight. I love Blogger. It allows me to say whatever I want. I have the comments function on so you all can say whatever you want. Being as such, I enjoy the right that I have to say the following to said anonymous person who was obviously too chicken to put a name to what he/she felt (and everyone else can just ignore this since it's not directed at you):

Screw you and the ignorant ass response you came up with and take that BS to Bill O'Reilly, bitch!

My sincerest apologies are extended as well in the name of open discussion and free speech.


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