More interesting things...

Let's see what's been going on in my life so far this week...

-Had the meeting about what to do with the afterschool program. At this point, the curriculum has been thrown out the window. I am officially an overpaid babysitter. Grrr.

-Went to another band competition with Andre on Sunday...I was so sleep deprived by mid-afternoon that I was struck with the maniacal idea of actually coming back to the competition later in the evening to see my old high school perform. Fortunately, my car battery died and prevented me from heading back up north. That's divine intervention if I've ever experienced it. Oh, and my high school won the state championship. (Again!)

-Things are getting interesting on "The Real World: Bayshore Edition" (aka life in Casa de Crazy). Can't go into to much detail, but there are whispers in the air of someone possibly being "voted off the island" in the near future. Stay tuned.

-Good thing I got my car fixed on Monday because I'm going to Boston this weekend for the Emerson open house. Yay road trips! Yay road trips to new places! Yay road trips with a totally awesome person who's always fun to travel with! Boo having to clean out my car because said person is allergic to the various science projects I have growing in it!

-I just got a voicemail from one of my Shoestring babies from last spring. She's interested in having my job. My job. Is it totally awful that I totally want to tell her to back on up because there's no way I'm giving away my coveted position as AD? I cannot imagine giving Shoestring up that easily. I know, I'm insane. But I also love my job. Hmm....what to do?

-Finished reading I Am Charlotte Simmons. It pissed me off because it had one of those anti-endings without any real closure, consequences, or resolution. I don't always expect to have the ending perfectly tied up in a pretty bow for evey book I read, but I also hate turning the page and finding there's no pages left to turn. *sigh* Now I'm reading Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl. Interesting and entertaining right now...updates later.

Aight, gotta run so I can finish up work for the day. Grr...lost 1/2 an hour to traffic this morning. Must find out what was up with all of that.



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