Why is it only 12:40?

12:40 on the sloooowwwwest Friday ever. I'm so bored and exhausted that I can't even read the New York Times.

Yea, I'm exhausted. While I'm not as emotionally drained as I was when I was working at MoMIS, I'm still tired. You try working 3 jobs and see how you like it.

The road trip to Boston went all right...I was conveniently attacked by one of those colds where you're not completely assed out and worthless, but you still feel crappy enough to not want to do anything. So instead of trying to see as much of the city as possible, we went to the open house in the morning, had lunch, took a nap (a nap!), saw Jarhead (amazing movie, by the way. But then again, there are movie theaters back here at home), went out to a few bars with one of Phil's buddies from school, and drove home the next day.

Next time I have to take a weekend trip up to Boston, I'm taking the train. The traffic was that atrocious. I'm talking 6 hours each way on a trip that Mapquest and Google say should take about 4 1/2 hours. 5 tops.

This weekend: more work at the mall.

I think I'm also going to have to bite the bullet and just take my clothes to the laundromat. That way I can get everything washed in 2-3 hours instead of blocking off an entire day to go trekking up and down 2 flights of stairs to do it at home. I'm willing to pay the atrocious amount of money to go to the laundromat at this point. I've put my laundry off for so long...well, let's just not go there.


Oh! I'm sorry. I got distracted by the fascinatingly disgusting sticky stuff all up under the keys of my keyboard. It was there when I started working here. The shift key even sticks sometimes. Grr.

My scientific study results of the stubstance are as follows:

Color: Golden brown, resembling earwax or maple syrup
Consistency: similar to earwax, yet stickier
Lustre: Shiny
Taste: not researched due to possible health hazard
Smell: peanut? grease? later thoughts include possibly curry or something like it?
Final results: inconclusive. Substance unknown.

And this is what I've been reduced to today. Investigating the schmutz in my keyboard. (Apologies if "schmutz" is not a real Yiddish word. I, like most metro-NYCers, like to sprinkle my vocab with random Yiddish because it sounds cool. Deal with it.)

Dude, I'm so bored I don't even want to do the filing. And there's a lot of it.

I swear the phone has not rang since 10:30 this morning.


Maybe I'll nip down to the cafe for a sec and grab some munchies.

It's not like anyone will know. And I'd only be gone for like...5 minutes?

It's 1:15 now. They close at 2, when I leave for the day.

I wish I had the cajones to have bounced out of here at noon. Knowing my luck, my boss would call later just to check messages.

It's Veterans Day. DOT is closed. No one is calling. Yet I cannot bring myself to do something completely wasteful like play Solitaire or chat with people on AIM.

You know what's really been bugging me? For the first time in an eternity, there's a poem somewhere in my brain that can't get out. I know the feeling behind it. I even know the first line. But the rest of it just floats around my head in static-y whispers that I can't decipher. Or gibberish words that have the rhythm. Well, not really gibberish. They're English, I just can't hear them.

Ok, it's a weird concept.

Hmm...Wendy's for lunch and then a nap? Or do I catch the last half of Passions, take a nap, then grab some food on the way to work? Or I could get some Wendy's, do some more iPod restoration work (I'm like 94% done), then get a Red Bull on the way to work.

Oooh! Must buy lottery tickets tonight.

Ok, I got a brilliant idea to check out a catalog website that my mom told me about. Must run.

Besides, I probably bored you to death with my random thought trains.

Peace out, Girl Scout.


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